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Provo City School District

Franklin Elementary School

It’s that time of year to apply to be a part of the 2021-2022 afterschool program and robotics club!  Fill out the forms and turn them in as soon as possible.  Applications can be dropped off beginning August 17th during the back-to-school night open house.  This is going to be a great school year!  Go Falcons and Don’t forget to RISE!

¡Es esa época del año para postularse para ser parte del programa extracurricular y del club de robótica 2021-2022! Complete los formularios y entréguelos lo antes posible. Las solicitudes se pueden entregar a partir del 17 de agosto durante la jornada de puertas abiertas de la noche de regreso a clases. ¡Este va a ser un gran año escolar! ¡Vaya Falcons y no se olvide de LEVANTARSE!

2021-2022 Robotics form

Fall Enrollment Forms – Franklin


We want to thank all of the volunteers and vendors who came to Franklin last night to provide free health screenings to our students and their families! We also want to thank all of our Franklin...

Our kindergarten to fourth-grade students have been coding Mouse Robots in the Space Lab! They are having a blast learning how to program the little boy to run various courses. Our class was visited...

Hello Franklin Families! We are lucky this year to offer the opportunity for our students to participate in Kaufusi’s Keikis! This Thursday, the Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine, through...
