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Provo City School District

Franklin Elementary School

Franklin Elementary School News :

Dear Franklin Family, It has been so nice to see so many of you over the past few days as you have picked up packets and as you have come to breakfast and lunch.  We miss the students and can't...

Don't have access to new literature at home for your kids? No problem!! Your teacher should be emailing you soon on how to have access to Epic! from home for FREE for all students! If you do not...

Hello Franklin!   For anyone who wishes to participate in Art or Music, feel free to join their Google Classrooms at Codes are listed below so you can join their...

Por favor cuiden este dispositivo. Los estudiantes son responsables del cuidado general del Chromebook que han recibido de la escuela. Si estos Chromebooks están rotos o no funcionan correctamente...

Please take good care of this device. Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook they have been issued by the school. Students with Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work...

As you begin to work with your teachers on online learning, you may find you need help logging in to some websites. Here are some YouTube links that can help you login to your student's learning...

Dear Franklin Family, In light of the Governor's announcement about the 2 week dismissal, I wanted to reach out and make sure that we are all on the same page moving forward.  There will be a...
