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Provo City School District

Franklin Elementary School

Dear Franklin Family,

We are excited for the 2022-23 school year and are so grateful for everyone who is working hard to provide a safe and engaging learning environment for all of our students.  Our school vision is that we will always RISE.  As we RISE, we will:

R- Reach Our Potential

I- Inspire Others

S- Strive for Excellence

E- Enjoy Learning

We are proud to be falcons and look forward to another great year.  Don’t forget to RISE.

Querida familia Franklin:

Estamos emocionados por el año escolar 2021-22 y estamos muy agradecidos por todos los que están trabajando arduamente para proporcionar un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro y atractivo para todos nuestros estudiantes.  La visión de nuestra escuela es que siempre SUBIREMOS.  A medida que nosotros SUBIREMOS, haremos lo siguiente:

R- Alcance nuestro potencial

I- Inspirar a otros

S- Lucha por la excelencia

E- Disfruta aprendiendo

Estamos orgullosos de ser halcones y esperamos otro gran año.  No te olvides de SUBIR.


We want to thank all of the volunteers and vendors who came to Franklin last night to provide free health screenings to our students and their families! We also want to thank all of our Franklin...

Our kindergarten to fourth-grade students have been coding Mouse Robots in the Space Lab! They are having a blast learning how to program the little boy to run various courses. Our class was visited...

Hello Franklin Families! We are lucky this year to offer the opportunity for our students to participate in Kaufusi’s Keikis! This Thursday, the Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine, through...
