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Provo City School District Logo

Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Franklin

We want to thank all of our friends at Mountain America Credit Union and Operation Warm for sponsoring and supporting our students and providing them with brand new winter coats! These volunteers helped our K-6 students find a coat in the correct size, find one that was their favorite color, and make sure that their first name was written on the inside so that if it was lost at the school we would be able to return it to them. We loved spending the morning with our new friends and appreciate all the support that they have given our students to help them be prepared for the cooler weather! Thank you again!

Nuestro reciente Instagram Reel show clips from their visit to our school

Nuestros alumnos de preescolar a cuarto curso han estado programando ratones robot en el laboratorio espacial. Se lo están pasando en grande aprendiendo a programar al pequeñín para que ejecute diversos cursos. Nuestra clase recibió la visita...

¡Hola familias de Franklin! ¡Este año tenemos la suerte de ofrecer a nuestros alumnos la oportunidad de participar en los Keikis de Kaufusi! Este jueves, el Colegio de Medicina Osteopática Noorda, a través...

¡Gracias a los voluntarios del Utah Food Bank que vinieron a repartir bolsas de comida a nuestros alumnos y sus familias esta tarde! Esperamos que sepan cuánto se lo agradecemos. El Banco de Alimentos de Utah...
