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Provo City School District

Franklin Elementary School

Here at Franklin, we are proud of our community. Everyone is an important part of education, and we couldn’t be more happy and pleased with the teachers dedicated to teaching the students in our classrooms.

Hailee Shumway is one of those teachers. For Hailee, teaching is a matter of passion. As a recent graduate of UVU’s elementary education program, Hailee didn’t expect to go into college and come out as a teacher. However, as she was going through the early stages of the nursing program, she quickly realized she had a different calling.

As a child, Hailee had dreamed of teaching as a career, so giving the program a shot seemed like a natural fit. From the first time she began student teaching in a classroom, it was clear to her she was where she needed to be.

For Hailee, teaching is more than simply doing a job.

“This is the year that a lot of these kids are going to be writing for the first time,” says Shumway, a twinkle in her eye. “Sure, it’ll be something simple. It’s not like they’re going to be writing books in the first grade. But writing is a special thing, and I get to see the first sentences these kids will write in their life.”

Each lesson is an opportunity to lay the educational foundation for the student’s lives, and that isn’t lost on the Franklin first-grade teacher. Her classroom is decorated with the love and care of a teacher who wants to make learning special for each student.

Meeting a couple dozen new people is intimidating for anyone, but as a teacher that first week of school is crucial. Young students pay attention when their teacher doesn’t remember who they are.

“I was expecting to take a few weeks to get all my students down,” Hailee confessed. “I was surprised at how quickly I recognized each student.” Shumway’s instinct to know each student by name and need is strong and helps her be an asset to each child in the classroom.

Each teacher in our school is an incredible talent. It’s the hard work and dedication that Hailee, and each of the other faculty and staff, bring that make Franklin the special community it is. Thank you, Hailee, for the energy and passion you carry every day to the halls of our school.


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