Franklin Elementary is excited to be selling the World's Finest Chocolate as a fundraiser that benefits the school. Students and staff will be selling chocolate bars for $1. The more bars sold...
Parents! It’s a new school year and a new opportunity to apply or reapply for free and reduced meal benefits for the 2023-2024 school year on Students who received free or...
Here at Franklin, we are proud of our community. Everyone is an important part of education, and we couldn’t be more happy and pleased with the teachers dedicated to teaching the students in our...
If you take a stroll down the halls of Franklin Elementary, you might notice a series of frames on the walls by the art classrooms. Each space is set aside for a specific student to proudly display...
Get ready, little learners and parents! Our Kindergarten Meet Your Teacher Night is just around the corner. Date: August 22 Time: 5:30 p.m. Location: Franklin Elementary...
Today, at 9:30, Franklin held its first fire drill of the year. One of the coolest things Franklin does is allow a student to be the one who pulls the fire alarm. Under proper supervision, of...
Due to district wide transportation limitations, Franklin Elementary will be on an early release schedule from Wednesday, August 16th, to Tuesday August 22nd. Wednesday August 16th – Early...
For the last two days, staff have been participating in some in-depth training for our new Leader In Me program. We are so excited to begin this program and see how it affects our lives and the lives...
This is a great way for children and parents to learn about diverse cultures around the world, build empathy for others, and enjoy learning during the summer. Each story time will focus on one...