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Provo City School District

Franklin Elementary School

Franklin Elementary School News : News

Hello Franklin Falcons(and Future Falcons!) Here is some information regarding Kindergarten Registration at Franklin Elementary! Please read through the forms carefully so you can do some things...

Ms. Nichols' class, along with the entire 2nd Grade, is learning phonics and practicing their handwriting! She has students focused and engaged in learning as they work on their small group projects...

Students at Franklin in Mrs. Bennett's class are learning about precipitation in different places in the world! Today they are using their Social Studies skills to read a map to discover the science...

To sign up for your child's Parent Teacher Conference on February 5th-6th, please go to the following link and select which teacher you need to meet with. Remember, you can also meet with Music and...

Miss Diamond's class is learning about breaking apart words to read them using hand movements, open letter sounds, and other fun techniques as they learn to read! It's amazing to see how far these...

So, school is out for the four day weekend. Rain is falling and the kiddos are getting a bit stir crazy.   Here are some ideas of things you could do at home while you are out of...

Ms. Fuller, who works with our Specialized Intervention Team and works with students on IEPs and 504s was recently nominated by her peers and presented with the Crystal Apple Award! She works hard to...

Each month, we have our assembly the first week of the month to honor those students who were nominated at the end of the month before to be the student of the month! Here are the winners from...
