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Provo City School District

Franklin Elementary School

School community Council December 19, 2024

Attending: Robin Woodbury, Jason Benson, Brittany Taylor, Brenda Fuller, Daniel Stokes

Questions from Teri McCabe (via text):

Which metrics are used for CSI? The School improvement plan is attached to Do we need to teach students how to take these tests? Which grades are CSI focusing on? Early Literacy scores are low I the whole district, how is Franklin going to improve?

Alex Masterson- Discuss the draft of the teacher needs survey and create a plan for dissemination.

  • What are the biggest challenges you face in your teaching role? With regards to resources, including classroom supplies (e.g. paper. Pencils, tissues, etc.)?
  • What classroom supplies are you in need of?
  • What resources or tools would be most helpful to you in improving your teaching? Select all that apply
    • Professional development opportunities
    • Access to technology
    • Curriculum materials
    • Classroom supplies
    • Mentorship or Coaching
  • What resources do you already have that are helpful?
  • Do you use your own money to buy things you need for the classroom? If so what’s a ballpark estimate of how much you spend on a classroom-related needs?
  • If so, what do you spend your money on?
  • Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?

Member(s) of the SCC come visit with the faculty and explain what the survey is and how it will be used. The first Friday in January Robin Woodbury-Discuss results of the Safe Routes to School Survey and proposed solutions to concerns.  Prepare a draft for submission to UDOT.

Suggestions: Four-way stop at 300 South 700 West. Move the crossing guard from 500 West 300 South to 600 West 300 South. Apply for permanent bussing for students East of 500 West, and across the railroad track. Invite the community to a meeting with city representatives to express concerns and share results of the survey and the work that is being put in to this concern. Hold off until the February meeting.

Next Meeting: Thursday, January 23, 2025


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Hello Falcons!  This week we will have the Scholastic Book Fair set up in the library for students and parents.  The dates and times for the Book Fair are listed below: Monday, February 24...
