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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Franklin Elementary School

At Franklin, we are lucky to be able to participate in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, also known as the FFVP. This is a program that offers healthy snacks to our students outside of their normal lunch time. The FVP is prepared by our child nutrition workers, and passed out to every class. This week our students were able to enjoy some nice, ripe plums!


We are fortunate to have so many community sponsors who support our school and our students. Before we went on winter break, Berkshire Hathaway Elite Real Estate of American Fork donated food bags to...

Students this week have spent time making snow globes in art with our teacher Mrs. Elton. They have been studying market printing and used this technique! If you have a second-grade student, please...

Thank you to our amazing PTA who came around to deliver presents to all of our students today! They did such a great job putting together a gift bag so that every student would have a gift as they...
