Last modified: February 28, 2025
School Improvement Plan
Strategic Plan Priority 1: Academic Achievement
Goal 1 Action Plan & Implementation
Action Steps
- 100% of teachers will participate in Professional Development on ML instructional strategies, expectations, and responsibilities.
- Timeline: Monthly
- Measurement of Action Step: PD Plan
- Funding Source: Salary/Benefits
- Action 1 – Develop monthly schedule of PD offerings that focus on ML, PBIS, and SWD best practices.
- Timeline: Monthly
- Measurement of Action Step: Schedule will be prepared and presented to Team Leads at the first of each month
- Additional Info: Admin team will decide which resource-based resources to use and base PD on those resources
- Action 2 – Offer BOY introductory PD on expectations and responsibilities. Weekly Monday meetings with focus on ML strategies thereafter.
- Timeline: August (first week) & Weekly thereafter
- Measurement of Action Step: PD will be provided during the first week of PD in August
- Additional Info: AP and Title One will collaboratively develop PD
- Action 3 – Follow up weekly on ML strategies during PLC time (as part of the PLC agenda).
- Timeline: Weekly
- Measurement of Action Step: Admin team will work with individual teachers and teams on ML strategies
- 100% of classroom teachers will participate in Coaching Cycles focused on ML instructional strategies during the 2024-2025 school year.
- Funding Source: General
- Action 1 – Hire 1 instructional assistant to help with ML instruction.
- Timeline: Hire as soon as TSSA funds are approved
- Measurement of Action Step: Use current classified staff for ongoing support
- Cost: $25,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Action 2 – Hire 2 instructional assistants who provide systematic, explicit and evidence-based interventions for our ML and New to Country students.
- Timeline: Hire as soon as TIII funds are approved
- Measurement of Action Step: Use current classified staff for ongoing support
- Cost: $45,000.00
- Funding Source: EARS 5364 (ML Only)
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Action 3 – Instructional Coach will be trained in effective classroom strategies for MLs.
- Timeline: ASAP
- Measurement of Action Step: Title One Coordinator and AP will work with Coach to schedule and facilitate PD
- Action 4 – A Coaching Cycle calendar will be developed and shared with all classroom teachers.
- Timeline: By August 1st
- Measurement of Action Step: Principal and Coach will develop the Coaching Cycle calendar and present it to Team Leads for approval in August
- Additional Info: Coaching Cycle Calendar
Goal 2: 80% of teachers will consistently implement effective Tier 1 & 2 academic instructional strategies per the observation protocol.Observation Tool:
- Tier 1 Walkthrough Form
- Walkthrough Data
- Teacher Clarity/Schedule assignment
Action Steps
- Hire a full-time kindergarten teacher by providing a 0.5 FTE.
- Timeline: ASAP
- Measurement of Action Step: Admin will post the kinder position and will hire the most qualified candidate.
- Cost: $40,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- STEAM Instructional Assistant – Hire 1 instructional assistant for the Innovative Learning Lab.
- Timeline: Hire as soon as we have approval for TSSA funds.
- Measurement of Action Step: Use current classified staff for ongoing support
- Cost: $25,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Hire instructional assistants who provide effective and timely Tier 2 instruction and who can provide systematic, explicit and evidence-based interventions for students who are not meeting grade-level standards.
- Timeline: Hire as soon as we have approval for Title One funds.
- Measurement of Action Step: Use current classified staff for ongoing support
- Cost: $100,000.00
- Funding Source: TI Personnel
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Professional Development on the observation tools will be provided to all classroom teachers.
- Timeline: Summer PD Day
- Measurement of Action Step: Principal will provide PD on the structure, purpose, and expectations for using the observation tool.
- Cost: $10,000.00
- Funding Source: CSI
- Expenditure: Travel/Conference/Workshop
- Maintain a Title I Coordinator position to support with Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions (provide PD, modeling and ongoing support for classroom teachers and IAs).
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Measurement of Action Step: Maintain position currently established
- Cost: $110,925.00
- Funding Source: TI Personnel
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Maintain Title I preschool option for Franklin; provide support for 4-year-old children who will attend Franklin in kindergarten.
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Measurement of Action Step: Maintain position currently established; budget includes 1 FTE and 1 IA (29 hours/week)
- Cost: $148,336.00
- Funding Source: TI PreK
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
Goal 2, Strategy 2
- 80% of teachers will consistently implement effective Tier 1 & 2 behavioral strategies per the observation protocol.
- Measurement Tools:
- Franklin Admin Team and Student and Teacher Success Team will review Educators Handbook Data each week to identify behavior patterns and trends, including number of incidents per class, as well as the number of Major and Minor behaviors.
- 5 Levels of Behavior Definitions
- 5 Levels of Behavior Flow Chart
- PBIS Detailed Matrix
- Behavior Bootcamp – BOY
Goal 3: 100% of educators are provided with Professional Development on differentiated instruction for SWD by the beginning of the 2024-25 school year
Goal 3, Strategy 1
- 100% of educators are provided with Professional Development on differentiated instruction for SWD by the beginning of the 2024-25 school year.
Action Steps
- Develop monthly schedule of PD offerings that focus on ML, PBIS, and SWD best practices.
- Timeline: Monthly
- Measurement of Action Step: Schedule will be prepared and presented to Team Leads at the first of each month.
- Additional Info: Admin team will decide which resource-based resources to use and base PD on those resources.
- Follow up weekly on SWD strategy during PLC time (as part of the PLC agenda).
- Timeline: Weekly
- Measurement of Action Step: Admin team will work with individual teachers and teams on SWD strategies.
Goal 3, Strategy 2
- 100% of classroom teachers will participate in Coaching Cycles on Differentiated Tier 1 Instruction during the 2024-2025 school year.
Action Steps
- Instructional Coach will be trained in effective classroom strategies for SWD students.
- Timeline: ASAP
- Measurement of Action Step: Principal will work with Coach to schedule and facilitate PD.
- A Coaching Cycle calendar will be developed and shared with all classroom teachers.
- Timeline: By the first of August
- Measurement of Action Step: Principal and Coach will develop the Coaching Cycle calendar and present it to the Team Leads for approval in August.
Goal 4: 100% of classroom teachers will regularly analyze student ELA data (e.g., Common Formative Assessments, RISE Benchmarks, Progress Monitoring Data) to assess learning progress and plan for Language Arts instruction in weekly PLCs during the 2024-2025 school year
Goal 4, Strategy 1
- 100% of classroom teachers will regularly analyze student ELA data (e.g., Common Formative Assessments, RISE Benchmarks, Progress Monitoring Data) to assess learning progress and plan for Language Arts instruction in weekly PLCs during the 2024-2025 school year.
Action Steps
- Franklin Admin will provide Professional Development on effective Language Arts assessment practices and using data to guide instruction.
- Timeline: First week of August for Professional Development, then weekly during PLCs.
- Measurement of Action Step: PD will include:
- Setting Acadience Pathways of Progress Goals.
- Using RISE ELA benchmarks to assess student learning and familiarize students with the RISE testing format.
- Leveraging weekly PLC time to collaboratively analyze individual and collective student data.
Goal 5: 100% of classroom teachers will regularly analyze student Math data (e.g., Common Formative Assessments, RISE Benchmarks) to assess learning progress and plan for Math instruction in weekly PLCs during the 2024-2025 school year.
Goal 5, Strategy 1
- 100% of classroom teachers will regularly analyze student Math data (e.g., Common Formative Assessments, RISE Benchmarks) to assess learning progress and plan for Math instruction in weekly PLCs during the 2024-2025 school year.
Action Steps
- Franklin Admin will provide Professional Development on effective Math assessment practices and using Math data to guide instruction.
- Timeline: First week of August for Professional Development, then weekly during PLCs.
- Measurement of Action Step: PD will include:
- Using RISE Math benchmarks to assess student learning and familiarize students with the RISE testing format.
- Leveraging weekly PLC time to collaboratively analyze individual and collective student data.
Strategic Plan Priority 2: Wellness and Safety
- Goal 1: We will reduce the number of major incidents that occur during unstructured time, such as recess, by 30%.
- Goal 2: We will increase our daily attendance rate, including tardies, by 3%.
- Goal 3: We will increase the attendance at our parent engagement nights by 10%.
Action Plan & Implementation
Action Steps
- Hire 2 playground duty guards for 1.5 hours, 5 days a week.
- Timeline: Hire as soon as we have approval for TSSA funds.
- Measurement of Action Step: Use current classified staff for ongoing support. We will also work with our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Coach to create an onboarding system and provide behavioral training and support for new and current staff.
- Cost: $10,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Hire an office assistant to help the front office for 2 hours, 5 days a week.
- Timeline: Hire as soon as we have approval for TSSA funds.
- Measurement of Action Step: Use current classified staff for ongoing support.
- Cost: $10,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Each grade level will hold at least one parent engagement activity during the school year that addresses Math essentials.
- Timeline: Parent engagement activities will be held before Holiday Break.
- Measurement of Action Step: Grade levels will work with our Title One Coordinator to plan engaging and relevant activities.
- Cost: $1,400.00
- Funding Source: TI Parent Engagement
- Expenditure: Supplies
Strategic Plan Priority 3: Stewardship of Resources
Fund Allocation
- General
- Allocation: $105,910.00
- Total in Plan: $0.00
- Remaining to Budget: $105,910.00
- Allocation: $67,049.00
- Total in Plan: $90,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$22,951.00
- Landtrust
- Allocation: $56,150.39
- Total in Plan: $40,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: $16,150.39
- EARS 5364 (ML Only)
- Allocation: $18,312.00
- Total in Plan: $45,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$26,688.00
- TIII (ML) – No Funds Allocated This Year (*Using EARS*)
- Allocation: $0.00
- Total in Plan: $0.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
- TI 7501 Personnel (Includes TI Coord)
- Allocation: $210,925.00
- Total in Plan: $210,925.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
- TI 7502 Parent Engagement
- Allocation: $2,450.00
- Total in Plan: $2,450.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
- TI 7503 Tiered Instruction
- Allocation: $0.00
- Total in Plan: $0.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
- TI 7504 PD
- Allocation: $0.00
- Total in Plan: $0.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
- TI 7505 (PreK)
- Allocation: $148,336.00
- Total in Plan: $148,336.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
- Allocation: $0.00
- Total in Plan: $10,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$10,000.00
- Teacher Quality
- Allocation: $11,161.00
- Total in Plan: $0.00
- Remaining to Budget: $11,161.00
Measurement of Goals
Academic Goal Measurement
- Progress monitoring will be done regularly and consistently, following Acadience and district expectations.
- Math and ELA RISE benchmarks will be scheduled and administered regularly. Data will then be reviewed with a member of the admin team.
- Special attention will be paid to the progress, or lack thereof, of our ML and SWD students during progress monitoring.
Behavior & Attendance Goal Measurement
- We will track major behaviors in Educators Handbook and analyze patterns and trends.
- We will collaborate with our attendance secretary, Family Advocate, and Student and Teacher Success Team to identify students with attendance concerns.
Use of Additional Funds & Stakeholder Involvement
Use of Additional Funds
- We will use these additional funds to provide instructional assistant support for our ML students and students with disabilities (SWD).
Communication of Progress
- We will share our SIP plan with our community at the beginning of the year during our Breakfast with a Principal event.
- The plan will also be posted on our website and shared electronically.
- We will share progress with our PTA and SCC after we receive our RISE results and after our Beginning of Year (BOY) and Middle of Year (MOY) Acadience testing.
Stakeholder Involvement in the School Improvement Plan
- We worked collaboratively with parents, teachers, and other stakeholders to develop our CSI and SIP plan.
- State consultants from Innovations Ed presented the findings of our Comprehensive Needs Assessment and Root Cause Analysis to parents, teachers, our School Board Representative, and district personnel.
- We then worked collaboratively to create goals and plans to meet the needs of our students and teachers.
Names and Roles of Contributors
- Parents & Community Members:
- Teri Mccabe (Parent and School Board)
- Paula Spiers (SCC Chair)
- Megan Geilman (Parent)
- Brent Hutchison (Parent)
- Sarah Peterson (Parent)
- School Staff:
- Cassidy Diamond (Kindergarten Teacher)
- Giardelli Baca (2nd Grade Teacher)
- Vicki Morrise (3rd Grade Teacher)
- Shelby Moore (6th Grade Teacher)
- Brenda Fuller (Title One)
- Lance Vandermark (Assistant Principal)
- Heidi Isaacson (Coach)
- Aliegh Roy (Facilitator)
- Jason Benson (Principal)
- District & External Partners:
- Jarod Sites (Assistant Superintendent)
- 4 Consultants from Innovations Ed