Welcome to Keyboarding!
Keyboarding, like any skill, requires practice. Think of any great athlete, musician, reader, or even video gamer; they did not become great by spending only a minimal amount of time once a week to practice their skill. They would spend hours practicing in order to become better. We have 30 minutes a week to practice our keyboarding skills. Is this enough to become a good keyboarder? No, we can all use additional practice to improve our skills. This website is dedicated to helping you become a better keyboarder. The sidebar to the right has links to the lessons we practice in class; homework to practice at home, websites to practice and take timed tests, and keyboarding games full of fun to increase your skills.
Grade 3 – Each third grader comes to Technology each week to learn keyboarding. With direct instruction, practice, and homework, third graders learn the alphabet keyboard.
Grades 4-6 – practice their keyboarding skills each week and once a month have an opportunity to take timed tests to see how their skills have improved. For every 10 words per minute they improve, the students are awarded a keyboarding belt. There are a total of 9 belts each student can earn. All lessons and homework are based on the belt the student has earned. The following is a list of the belts and which lessons and homework they are associated with.
- White Belt – Less Than 10 wpm
- Yellow Belt – 10-19 wpm
- Orange Belt – 20-29 wpm
- Green Belt – 30-39 wpm
- Blue Belt – 40-49 wpm
- Purple Belt – 50-59 wpm
- Red Belt – 60-69 wpm
- Brown Belt – 70-79 wpm
- Black Belt – 80+ wpm