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Provo City School District

Franklin Elementary School

Today was our first Monday Meeting. It was a great opportunity to have all of the students together in our gym for an assembly where we could practice our assembly expectations! Let me tell you, our students were amazing! They were able to practice a new song with Miss Spurlock and hear a message about the reflections contest from our PTA.

Our Recent Instagram Reel shows our behavioral expectations for our students while they are in assemblies showing what we expect students to do to be safe, be respectful, and be responsible in the hallways of our school.

To be safe we keep hands and feet to ourselves and stay in our spots. To be respectful we keep our voices off and keep our eyes on the speaker. To be responsible we listen to the speaker and participate appropriately.


Our kindergarten to fourth-grade students have been coding Mouse Robots in the Space Lab! They are having a blast learning how to program the little boy to run various courses. Our class was visited...

Hello Franklin Families! We are lucky this year to offer the opportunity for our students to participate in Kaufusi’s Keikis! This Thursday, the Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine, through...

Thank you to the volunteers from the Utah Food Bank who came to pass out food bags to our students and their families this afternoon! We hope you know how much we appreciate it! The Utah Food Bank...
