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Provo City School District

Franklin Elementary School

As part of our Positive Behavior Boot Camp, we also introduced students to Falcon Notes. These are positive reinforcement notes that students earn when they are seen following the expectations that we have in our building. On each Falcon Note, the teacher can mark if the student was being safe, responsible, or respectful and check a box that shows what the student was doing. This helps us know the areas that our students are excelling in as well as shows areas where we may need some more practice as we strive towards our goal of all students being safe, responsible, and respectful. There are three copies of each Falcon Note. The white copy is the one that students bring home. When you see these come home with your student, please celebrate it! It means that your student was seen following the expectations and excelling at what they were supposed to be doing! The yellow copies go into a grade-level bin in the office where they can be pulled for prizes at school. The red copies stay in the classroom for the teachers to use. Here you can see students earning prizes for having their name called after being pulled out of the Falcon Note bin! We love celebrating our students!

Our recent Instagram Reel spotlights students who were selected as winners of this week’s Falcon Note drawing.


We are fortunate to have so many community sponsors who support our school and our students. Before we went on winter break, Berkshire Hathaway Elite Real Estate of American Fork donated food bags to...

Students this week have spent time making snow globes in art with our teacher Mrs. Elton. They have been studying market printing and used this technique! If you have a second-grade student, please...

Thank you to our amazing PTA who came around to deliver presents to all of our students today! They did such a great job putting together a gift bag so that every student would have a gift as they...
