November Community Council Meeting
Franklin Elementary School Trust Lands Community Council Agenda 11/21/24
1. Attendance Taken:
- Members: Robin Woodbury, Jason Benson, Brenda Fuller, Teri Mccabe
- Also attending: Daniel Stokes- parent/custodian, Alex Masterson
2. Review of Safe Routes to Schools Survey Results
- Only two parents filled out survey, both of which mentioned 5th West being unsafe and inconsistent crossing guard staffing. We need more responses. Do you have any other ways to disseminate? We need more results before we can discuss it. Jason will send an email out to parents.
3. Review of compliance
- Do we have a two-parent majority?
- We currently have four parents and two school staff members.
- Lack of representation of Hispanic or language learners on the Council
- We can ask at a PTA meeting if there are any parents who would like to join the Council.
- Review current rules of order. How do we identify a quorum? How do we break ties?
- Bylaws were printed and passed out for review. We will discuss at the next Council meeting.
- Review of last years plan –
- Are we updating the webpage as required by compliance? The agenda must be posted 1 week before the meeting. Minutes are available on the webpage.
- The council member names and pictures will be updated on the School Website.
- How do we identify parents contacting council members? Google form?
- Can we create a Google form to contact members rather than using personal emails.
4. Review last year’s use of Student Trust Lands Funds.
- What measures are we using? What is the current status of the outcomes we wished to achieve?
- Acadience Math and Reading, RISE
- Last year’s goals discussed –
5. Items from the Floor –
- Teacher needs questionaire – What do teachers need? Help get resources to classroom teachers. Alex Masterson would work with Brent Hutchison and take point on the project. We need to get approval from district leadership. Draft the questions and send them to the council for feedback and approval. Goal – responses by January.
- Dixon options discussed – What do we want to do with the Dixon property and how do we want to pay for it? A survey has been sent out. Asking people to fill the survey out.
Items for Next Meeting: December 19, 3:45
- Review of bylaws
- All Council Members review the state training if possible.
- Further discussion of current academic needs (focusing on Math, Reading, and Science)
- What will students achieve academically in one year? (1-2 sentences long, student-centered)
- How will we measure it?
- What actions will we take to target the benchmark?
Robin will post the agenda earlier next month to be sure we are in compliance with the state board’s rules of order for councils.