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Provo City School District

Franklin Elementary School

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Kim Peterson, an art integration teacher at Franklin Elementary, was nominated as Educator of the Week!

Peterson has been a Franklin Falcon for about two years and has changed the way small group art instruction is taught. Her new style offers students small class sizes, as she pulls kids from different classes into groups. To give teachers the opportunity to work with each group of kids on a more individualized basis, she alternates the students she pulls.

Her engaged learning experiences don’t stop there. Peterson goes above and beyond to provide students with new and unique opportunities to learn basic art concepts. One time, she even had a falconer come in to show birds and inspire her students’ projects! Peterson gives her students a variety of art projects like photography, 3D printing and painting.

Support for her students goes beyond the classroom. At Franklin Elementary, students can stop by the Wellness Room, when they are feeling emotional and need to calm down. Peterson has popped in more than just a few times to talk with them and help them work through struggles. Struggles like, frustrations with math and differences with friends.

With school being out, Peterson continues to work really hard and ensure students have family-friendly art projects to do at home.


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