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Provo City School District

Franklin Elementary School

Because of limited resources in supporting both Summer School and Camp Big Springs to the extent that we would like to, and with continued uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and a recommendation by the Utah County Health Department, the decision has been made to cancel Camp Big Springs for this year.

For any further questions, please email Thank you for your understanding.


We want to thank all of the volunteers and vendors who came to Franklin last night to provide free health screenings to our students and their families! We also want to thank all of our Franklin...

Our kindergarten to fourth-grade students have been coding Mouse Robots in the Space Lab! They are having a blast learning how to program the little boy to run various courses. Our class was visited...

Hello Franklin Families! We are lucky this year to offer the opportunity for our students to participate in Kaufusi’s Keikis! This Thursday, the Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine, through...
